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fortnite secret challenges chapter 2 season 2

The first task is to actually find the challenge. The first task is to actually find the challenge. From the game lobby, click on the vent off to the right. Welcome to the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Secret Challenges Guide that helps you find out how to complete all secretly hidden Challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 2 week 14 of season 2 — available until the end of the season on June 4th — on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Switch & Mobile. Completing each challenge will award you with 35,000 XP to […] Epic Games This'll complete the first challenge for the week. The reward for completing this week's challenges is the Deadpool Wrap. Epic Games The conflict between the gnomes and bears has been going on for a long time now. These are quests that have you looking to complete objectives that aren't stated in your Battle Pass challenge lists. In Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3, there are seven challenges released every week, although Epic introduced Team Challenges last week, which needs to be completed with at least 4 players. Epic Games

It involves corals and makes it easy to collect bonus EXP for your battle pass. They are all at the northwestern portion of the map, so fly into the area and use the whirlpool to get another boost!This is an easy one to start us off, however, you will need 100 wood on you to complete it. From the game lobby, click on the vent off to the right. These fried snacks can be found across the various lobby screens.

Epic Games Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic.

This time around, it's the X-Force variant, which replaces the standard red and black colors to a new white and black look the character wore during his time as a member of the mutant superhero team. There's a set of weekly challenges that, once completed, should unlock the Deadpool outfit.

The weekly challenges award you with 35,000 XP and Epic have also introduced Team Challenges, which upon completion rewards you with 80,000 XP. The next challenge is also quick and easy. Epic Games

The milk carton is in Deadpool's secret room. Epic Games

Once it's done, that's it, you have the Deadpool skin. Here's the exact location you need to go to:Just go directly northwest of Pleasant Park and you'll locate a couple of small islands in the B-1 square of the map.

Epic Games All that's needed is to damage an opponent's structure, which should be done anyway during a match. To find the Astro Heads, check the map below on where to go. That's where the stage is for the Travis Scott event. The first is looking for his katanas, which are easy to find. Those two challenges will complete the week 1 challenges.Week 2 challenges are up. Discuss: Fortnite Chapter 2 season 2 challenges and where to find Shadow safe houses

The fancy big boat has some loot as well as a dance floor, so stop by.As mentioned earlier, Deadpool is the big surprise in season 2. You can find these hanging from a pole on a rooftop in Sweaty Sands. Just don't press the designated button to thank the bus driver at the start of the match. For the second challenge, head to the yacht and do a quick dance to complete the challenge and get the unmasked Deadpool skin.

This is easy to do. There are five giant, golden Travis Scott heads all around Sweaty Sands, where the concert will take place. The third location is towards the left of Coral Castle, in A2. The second challenge is to salute Deadpool's pants. The second has players jumping off the Battle Bus without thanking the bus driver. Just one of the golden pipe wrenches to find this week.

You have to break the rock to collect it.3. Take a little trip down memory lane with Deadpool's X-Force outfit. Epic Games Fortnite players can follow this The Ancient Spaceship can be found on a fish-shaped island north of Craggy Cliffs in the Fortnite map. Fortnite Chapter 2 season 2 started Thursday and gave the game a spy motif. Once you've arrived you will find some coral ooze like creatures looking to build up a society. This is easy to do. The first requires players to find Deadpool's milk carton.

This season is winding down but there are still plenty of challenges to do. Smart We take a look at all of Chapter 2 Season 3's secret challenges…

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